Eating for Your Future
Идеи наших коллег (американский опыт)


Students will
  • Become familiar with the latest dietary guidelines from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
  • Work in groups to find recipes that will help students meet the dietary guidelines.
  • Develop a class cookbook of favorite recipes.

  • Materials

  • Eating for Your Future video and VCR, or DVD and DVD player
  • Computer with Internet access
  • Cookbooks or cooking magazines
  • Newsprint and markers

  • Procedures

    1. Begin the lesson by asking students for their ideas about healthful eating. Write their ideas on a sheet of newsprint.

    2. Share with the class the latest dietary recommendations from USDA, which can be found at To help facilitate the discussion, here are some of the key points in the recommendations:

  • Engage in at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day.
  • Eat a variety of foods rich in nutrients from each of the basic food groups while limiting the amount of saturated fats, cholesterol, sugar, and salt consumed. Get less than 10 percent of total calories from saturated fats, and eat fewer than 300 milligrams of cholesterol each day.
  • Eat at least two cups of fruits and two-and-a-half cups of vegetables each day. Try to choose a variety of fruits and vegetables, such as citrus fruits and berries, and dark green and orange vegetables, legumes, and starchy vegetables.
  • Eat at least 3 ounces of whole grains each day.
  • Drink at least 3 cups of low-fat milk each day or eat the equivalent in other dairy products.

  • 3. Tell students that eating healthily should also be fun and interesting. Then explain to them that they will have an opportunity to gain more control over what they eat by working with their classmates to develop a class cookbook.

    4. Divide students into groups of three or four. Tell each group to look at recipes either online or in magazines and cookbooks and to find at least five recipes — one for breakfast, one for lunch, and lunch and two for dinner, as well as a recipe for a side dish or dessert. The recipes must be appealing and have healthy ingredients. Students may find the following Web sites a good place to start.


  • 5. Give students time in class to look for recipes. If students have not found at least five recipes, they should complete the assignment for homework. Tell students to make sure that they bring to class a hard copy of each recipe.

    6. During the next class period, collect the recipes and organize them by meal and/or category into a class cookbook. Make a copy for each student in the class.

    7. If students would like, each group can make a cover for the cookbooks. Then go over the recipes and pick out class favorites. Suggest that students prepare at least one recipe for their families or friends.


    Use the following three-point rubric to evaluate students' work during this lesson.

  • Three points:Students were highly engaged in class discussions; worked productively in their groups; helped select at least five recipes that included healthful ingredients.
  • Two points:Students participated in class discussions; worked satisfactorily in their groups; helped select at least three recipes that included healthful ingredients.
  • One point:Students participated minimally in class discussions; had difficulty working in their groups; helped selected only one recipe that included healthful ingredients.
  • Vocabulary

    Definition:An organic compound found in the form of starch, sugar, or fiber; one of the three basic food types and a major source of dietary energy
    Context:While scientists have debated how many carbohydrates should be eaten each day, most agree that they are an important part of a healthy diet.

    Definition:A waxy, fat-like substance produced by the liver and found in foods from animal sources; it also is an important chemical found in cell membranes
    Context:Our bodies need cholesterol, but too much of this substance can build up on the walls of the arteries, leading to heart disease.

    Definition:The types and amount of food eaten each day
    Context:Eating a balanced diet means selecting the recommended number of servings of foods from each of the three main food groups-proteins, carbohydrates, and fats-each day.

    Definition:High-energy nutrients that contain twice as much energy as an equal amount of carbohydrates; one of the three basic food types
    Context:While foods high in fat taste good and can fill you up, they also contain a lot of calories and can lead to significant weight gain.

    Definition:The fuel that gives the body the energy it needs to perform all needed functions and to stay alive.
    Context:Eating a variety of foods is good for your body-and also creates an interesting diet.

    Definition:A naturally occurring substance made of amino acids and found in animal products and some plant products; one of the three basic food types
    Context:Our bones and teeth need protein, which is found in meats, fish, egg whites, nuts, and grains.

    saturated fats
    Definition:Fats that are usually solid at room temperature.
    Context:Saturated fats, which are found in vegetable shortening and margarine, tend to increase a person's blood cholesterol level.

    trans fats
    Definition:Created by turning unsaturated fats into saturated by fats through a process called hydrogenation
    Context:Trans fats are used in many processed foods because they improve the food's shelf life, but they all raise blood cholesterol levels.

    unsaturated fats
    Definition:Fats that are usually liquid at room temperature.
    Context:Unsaturated fats, such as olive oil and peanut oil, come from plants and tend to decrease a person's blood cholesterol level.


    National Academy of Sciences
    The National Science Education Standards provide guidelines for teaching science as well as a coherent vision of what it means to be scientifically literate for students in grades K-12. To view the standards, visit this Web site:

    This lesson plan addresses the following national standards:
  • Science in Personal and Social Perspectives: Personal and community health
  • Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning (McREL)
    McREL's Content Knowledge: A Compendium of Standards and Benchmarks for K-12 Education addresses 14 content areas. To view the standards and benchmarks, visit

    This lesson plan addresses the following national standards:
  • Health — Understands essential concepts about nutrition and diet
  • Health — Knows how to maintain and promote personal health.

  • Credits

    Marilyn Fenichel, education writer and editor